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3 Man Public Land Duck Hunt! (Warning: Don't Wipe with Hand Sanitizer!)
Nice little Afternoon Duck Hunt on Public Land
Off Season Simulated Duck Hunt (We Shot A 3 Man Limit!)
Duck Hunting Arkansas (300+ DECOYS) at BUST-A-DUCK
WORST MUD HUNT EVER! - 4 Man Limit - Flyways Collective Special!
Mallard Limits Over an Ice Hole (Public Land Duck Hunt)
Epic Honey Hole Duck Hunt. (2 man limit of mallards and pintail) Gopro & ShotKam video
Mallard Hunting on Public Land
Moving Slush to Make a Duck Hole
Mallard Hunt Let's Try Something!
Tons of Ducks and Tons of Hunters! (Public Land Mallard Hunt)
A Duck Hunt Gone Wrong and the Return of Danny Boy!